Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Story Of S And P - Part IV - Problems

But, fate had different plans for beleaguered P. He comes to know that his expectations were all wrong, and his readings of S were all miscalculated. The response given by S first stuns P before the sting started hurting him bad, because he was not expecting it to turn that way. He was sincere, honest, and committed in his approach, but there is an issue of physical height difference between the two, and it is not usual in the community that the female in the couple is taller than the male. P is aware of that, but then he only comes to know about it after the iceberg melted fully, and there was no going back even because of this fact coming into light. And then, there is the issue of the impossibility in the village of VM that there can be no touching, which is so essential because nobody would be able to settle in the village of VM, and everybody would settle in the big city called R. P was aware of this one too, but he thought that since their mental compatibility is strong, the affinity between them would aid them in making adjustments to themselves and would help them overcome life's problems. The response S gave to P was not only shocking to him, but also VERY vague and spoken out of hesitancy and indecision.

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