Dr.Nemo seems to be resembling a mercenary of peace, doing his best wearing a mask in the wake of the strong oral fragrance and trying to identify which of the numerous CREAMY, cemented teeth need filling and which of them need extraction. Eh! "Een en dertig" would be the whale's favourite number as she joins the majority of the rest around her who are members of the THIRTY ONE CLUB. :D
Its just a partially used tooth that is more harmful than is useful. Get away with it, and take pride in having done a WISE thing! You would be gaining wisdom, rather than losing it.
Notice the little droplets of water SPLASHing out of the blow hole on the back of the whale, where Nemo loves to WHEEEEEEE!
loooooooooooltje dudetje!!!! Awww thank u so much!!! I really appreciate it! And tell u what, i was very very very nervous, but since last 2-3 days am not!! So tomorrow am gettin rid of it..and be as brave as i can be..hehe..Thanks again!!
Eq 7:32 PM 18 July
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