Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Guru.

With a smile on his face,
he entered dressed in ochre robes.
A frail old Tibetan monk of seventy two.
A sovereign of hearts,
preaching compassion and peace.

A shepherd of souls,
in a world that is witnessing strife
in the name of religion.
Voicing a call to the human values,
that he believes are inherent in all.
His message was really simple,
just like the renounced man himself.

Having had to flee his nation,
fearing persecution from the villains,
the butchers of humanity,
but the great soul has forgiven them already,
in spite of what they did to him,
and what they are still doing to his people.
He has no complaints,
his smile confirms this.

As he bowed his head and folded his hands,
in a gesture of farewell,
people rose clapping and thanking fate,
that they could listen to him.
Some realize, and some don't
that what they assimilated this day
would stay with them forever,
staying within them, guiding them
in whatever endeavour they undertake.

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